It's fair to say between us we've played a lot of games across god knows how many formats. We've seen some fantastic ones and some that made us cry - basically we know what makes a good game and what makes a bad one.
We'd like to think our reviews will always represent a fair and unbiased opinion. We will only ever review the retail version of a finished game and not before we've spent significant time with it - most likely to the point of completion.
When a review is submitted the title will always include the name of the game and the format it's being reviewed on. Underneath that you'll see the name of the reviewer and some core details such as the genre of the game, the UK release date, the developer, the publisher and any other formats the game is being released on.

Reviews will always be scored out of 10 with 1 being the worst score and 10 obviously being the best. Half scores can also be awarded. Here's a rough guideline of what we consider a good or bad game:
1 - Drivel
2 - Awful
3 - Bad
4 - Poor
5 - Below Average
6 - Average
7 - Good
8 - Very good
9 - Excellent
10 - Outstanding
We hope you will agree this system is both fair on the games we review and honest to the readers. Who knows, perhaps you'll grow to have faith and confidence in our judgment!
Fingers crossed you will enjoy reading our reviews as much as we will enjoy writing them.